The type of examination will vary depending on the age of the patient and the type of concerns which the patient reports to the dentist.
D0120: Periodic Oral Evaluation:
This is the traditional "checkup exam" which is done every 6 months with patients who are already members of our practice. This evaluation is to determine any changes in your dental and medical health status since your last initial or periodic evaluation. This includes an oral cancer evaluation, periodontal screening where indicated, and may require interpretation of information acquired through additional tests.
D0140: Limited Oral Evaluation:
This exam is usually "problem focused." In other words this examination is usually done on an emergency basis, when a patient calls up with a specific dental concern that happened in between their normal checkup schedule. Like the periodic examination, limited oral examination may require interpretation of information acquired through additional tests. Often some treatment of the problem is performed at the time of this limited examination.
D0145: Oral Evaluation on a patient less than three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver:
Exactly as it is described, this is the routine, checkup type of examination for a child under 3 years old, preferably within the first six months of the appearance of their first baby tooth. It includes recording the oral and physical health history, evaluation of the child's susceptibility to getting tooth decay, development of an appropriate preventative oral health program, and discussing these findings and concerns with the child's parent, legal guardian and/or primary caregiver.
D0150: Complete Oral evaluation for a new or established patient:
This procedure applies to all new patients for their initial examination in our office. It is the most complete examination given and takes more time than the periodic checkup in that the doctor must also completely document all examination findings. These findings include an oral cancer evaluation, evaluation of your medical and dental history and a general health assesment.
It may also include the evaluation and recording of dental caries (tooth decay), any missing or unerupted teeth (teeth that haven't come in yet), any existing and failing restorations including prosthetics (crowns, bridgework), occlusal relationships including signs of occlusal trauma, periodontal conditions (including both periodontal screening and/or full periodontal charting), and any hard and soft tissue abnormalities found in the mouth
This examination is also used when a patient has been away from active maintenance and treatment for three or more years, and the doctor needs to update the chart significantly, i.e. almost like starting all over. Lastly, this procedure can also be used if a patient has had a significant change in health conditions or other unusual circumstances by report.
D0160: Detailed/Extensive oral evaluation (By Report):
This type of examination is for a detailed evaluation to refine a diagnosis based on the findings of a comprehensive oral evaluation. Examples of conditions requiring this type of evaluation may include dentofacial anomalies, complicated conditions that require periodontal and prosthetic treatment, complicated temporomandibular dysfunction, facial pain of unknown origin, conditions requiring consultations with multiple specialists, etc.
Because this type of exam is extensive and selective in nature, insurance companies require a special report to justify its expense.
D0170: Limited Re-evaluation of an established patient:
An examination to assess the status of a previously existing condition. For example a traumatic injury where no treatment was rendered, but the patient needs some follow up monitoring; evaluation for undiagnosed continuing pain; or a soft tissue lesion in the mouth that requires a followup evaluation.
D0180: Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation:
Periodontal disease is manifested by the findings of changes in the condition of the gingival (gum) attachment which includes the existence and depth of pockets that form under the gum; redness, swelling, and bleeding upon probing the gum tissue associated with inflammation; gingival recession; and a lack of an adequate zone of attached tissue.
This procedure is indicated for patients showing signs or symptoms of periodontal disease and for patients with risk factors such as smoking or diabetes.
Each of these findings is entered into the dental chart in a quantitative, numerical format. This baseline allows the dentist to see any changes that may occur for the better (after successful treatment) or for the worse (in t he lack of treatment.)
D0190: Screening of a patient:
This code is used when a dentist performs a simple screening, such as a state or federally mandated screening to determine an individuals need to be seen by a dentist for further diagnosis.
D0191: Assessment of a patient:
A very limited clinical inspection that is performed to identify possible signs of oral or systemic disease, oral malformations, or injury, and the potential need for referral for diagnosis and treatment.